Children's Storyteller Lisa Tischler will be performing “Harvest Stories” on Tuesday, October 16 from 10:30-11:30 AM. Lisa's vibrant and creative performances bring the stories to life. Lisa's stories have captured the hearts and minds of children of all ages throughout the Philadelphia region.
Paulette Gaspari is teaching a six week sign English class in the library's Community Room, it's called "Sign the way we speak". Sign up at the circulation desk, or call 215-855-3228, or email The class will be held on the following Tuesdays: October 9, 16, 23, 30, and November 13, 20 from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Teens come and decorate a pumpkin for Halloween. Pumpkins will be displayed in the library and the top three vote getters will receive a prize. Pre-registration Required. Sign up at the Front Desk or call 215-855-3228. "Celebrate Teen Read Week, October 14 - 20"
John Shinpaugh will give a talk on "Genealogy and the Web: Some Practical Guidelines." Mr. Shinpaugh has 25 years experience in researching his family tree, including the successful tracing of two branches back to Europe in the early 1700's. He was an Intelligence officer in the US Air Force and is an experienced teacher, instructor, and speaker.
Dr. Rosnani Dinti Hashim, visiting Fulbright Scholar at Montgomery County Community College, will give a presentation of "Images of Islam and Muslims," Touching upon religious education, and the education of Muslim women, for the fostering of good citizens.
Wednesday, September 26th @ 7:00 PM @ Lansdale Public Library. America Lara-Romero will present Mexico Participants will view artifacts from Mexico and taste dishes from this country.